My Chickens Introduction to Snow….

Most of my chickens have never seen snow. First of all, we don’t get much snow here in southwest Arkansas and second, most are chickens that I have hatched or purchased this year. We received snow on Christmas day and I was excited the next morning to introduce my chickens to it and see their reactions. (Only a chicken lover would understand this) So…camera in hand I open the doors to the coops. Several chickens cam flying out as they usually do only to discover the white landing space. Many of them kept jumping up in the air tyring to keep from touching this strange white stuff on the ground. I laughed so hard.

This picture was taken after they had settled sown some but you will notice the white silkie is still in the doorway.

These two flew out to a bale of hay and refused to move. 

Most eventually settle down though you will notice the rooster picking up his foot. 

Great camouflage for my white silke ~ the one that would actually come out of the pen.

It was a while before the two would venture out….It looks like the white silkie is asking my cochin what he thought about it.


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