Peanut Butter Pie Recipe

The weather is getting a little cooler and I’m gearing up for all of those yummy desserts that comes with Thanksgiving and Christmas.  This peanut butter pie recipe  (Yesterfoood) reminds of the peanut butter pie my grandmother and I used to make.  I loved it when my grandmother made any cream pie since I always got to lick the bowl.  Oh the taste of warm pudding…licking the spoon and taking my fingers and running it along the pan to get every last drop.

Most peanut butter pie recipes are the refrigerated kind that is made with cream cheese and peanut putter.  I’ll have to admit that I do love me some peanut butter pie…lol…but it can’t compare to a freshly made cream pie topped with meringue.  If you love cream pies as much as I do, check out the recipe here.


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