Bardo National Museum in Tunis – Part 1

Bardo National Museum


One of the places my daughter wanted to see while we  were in Europe was the Bardo National Museum in North Africa.  Her eyes would light up as she touted the accolades of this museum while i’m sure that my eyes were lackluster at the idea of spending so much of my free time walking through a museum.  I knew I would be following behind, watching her excitement as she looked at the history surrounding her.

Though I don’t have the passion for history that my daughter does, I did enjoy the museum and would recommend that you check it out if you ever find yourself in Tunis.

Bardo National Museum

The Bardo National Museum (Le Musee National du Bardo) is a marvelous museum in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. Bardo has the world’s largest collection of Roman mosaics, most of which were moved from sites in Tunisia and North Africa such as Carthage.

Bardo National Museum

The large museum is set in a palace that originally dates back to the 13th century. Today’s Bardo Museum is a mixture of 17th and 18th century Moorish architecture.  Although the exterior and interiors of the Bardo Museum are attractive, it is the detailed, complex mosaics that make this museum the most important tourist site in Tunis.

Bardo National Museum

Bardo National Museum

Bardo National Museum

Bardo National Museum

Bardo National Museum

Bardo National Museum

Bardo National Museum

Bardo National Museum

Bardo National Museum





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