Keeping it Real


I have always loved bloggers who keep it real.  By that I mean that they show you the good and the bad.  You get to see the beautiful food they prepared and also the food they burned.  You get to share in the happiness and their sadness.  They show you their great pictures and the not-so-great pictures.

So in an effort to keep it real….here is a photo of me doing a radio interview.  I was in the middle of talking when this photo was taken.  It has been suggested that I look like I’m about to sneeze, throw up,  or possibly I am in pain.

Yep…that horrible pictures is of me….51 year old woman who hates to do interviews….I stutter, my voice changes, and my mouth goes dry which makes me lick my lips a lot  and you can just imagine how attractive that is on live TV!


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