Farm2home 2015~ P Allen Smith

I have been a long time fan of P Allen Smith so I jumped at a chance to visit Moss Mountain Farm.  It was in incredible day filled with information from the great people at Arkansas Grown and Arkansas Made.  Living on a family farm, I appreciate the hard work and care it takes grow our food and how important it is to support locally made and grown products.  It’s not only important to know where our food comes from but that we are feeding our families healthy, nutritious foods.


Not only did I get to hang out with P Allen Smith but I got to hang out with some amazing men and women with Arkansas Women Bloggers and local producers around Arkansas.


 We had the opportunity to sample some great products for vendors around Arkansas.


 I would love to have this truck….seriously, it’s cute and has ice cream!



There was a variety of goats milk products including cheese, lotions, soaps, and fudge.  Yep, I said fudge.  Oh my, the macadamia nut fudge just melted in your mouth and of course I had to have the cookies and cream.  Goats milks makes a much richer, creamier fudge than you can get using cows milk.  It was heavenly.





We had lunch in the barn…on these gorgeous tables.  I love the cabbage centerpieces.





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