How To Grow Cabbage


Spring is here and everyone is back in garden mode, including me.  I’m trying to decide what I want to plant, how much to plant, and where I’m going to put my garden this year.  The boards around my square foot garden finally gave out so I’m starting from scratch this year.   Expect to see a lot of garden designs in the future.

But…while I’m deciding  on garden plans, I’m also researching growing tips in an attempt to improve my chances for an abundant garden.  I’ve had so-so success with cabbage but I would like to up my chances and I ran across this article on Apartment Therapy.  Hope you find the article as helpful as I did.


  1. Prepare your soil. Pick a spot that receives full-sun and allows for good drainage. Clear out all weeds and vegetation, till the soil, and mix in 2″-3″ of compost or other organic matter.
  2. Place seedlings in the ground 18″-24″ apart, spacing the rows 24″-36″ apart. Mound the soil around the neck of the seedling up to the lowest leaves.
  3. Label your newly-planted crop; corks, bamboo skewers and popsicle sticks are great options!
  4. Regularly water cabbage, making sure not to overwater. If you start to see your cabbage crack, it might be from overwatering or extreme temperatures.
  5. Once the heads are firm and 4″-10″ in diameter, harvest the cabbage by removing the head but leaving the leaves attached to the stem for a possible second head to harvest.

You can check out the entire article along with more photos at Apartment Therapy.


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