The Babydoll Southdown Sheep of Coonamessett Farm

Babydoll Southdown Sheep

I was researching Sussex chickens when I came across these Babydoll Southdown Sheep of Coonamessett Farm.  How could I not share my new found love of these adorable sheep?

Adult Baby Dolls are 24 inches or less at the shoulder without wool; however many are in the 18 to 22 inch range. White is the predominant color, but there are a few blacks.

The little Southdowns have qualities that endear them to all who see them. They are gentle and quiet sheep. Having been bred for so many years to be tolerant of small areas, they do not require a large pasture. They have strong flocking instincts and do not do well as singles ; therefore they are usually sold in pairs. They do well with other non-aggressive livestock and offer diversity to any breeding program.

Neither sex has horns and the rams are not aggressive. They do not wander or bother fences nor do they attempt to jump them.

You can find out more information about these cuties HERE.




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