

My mother plugged in the lights on her Christmas tree so my grandson could see it. He walked over to it and reached up to grab a light and I managed to get this one shot before eveyone yelled at him not to touch the tree. Since I didn’t have the flash on, I had to adjust the photo enough to get some light on the back of his jacket and head.

The color was this perfect golden hue so I just went to Picasa and adjusted my lighting settings to get the look I wanted. I then used HDR-ish setting at about 30% and Orton-ish at about 15%. It was shot with a Canon 60D, f/3.5, ISO2500, 1/30sec.

Note – If you are an amateur photographer who usually keeps their settings on auto (like me), the one piece of advice I could give you on how to get good photos of you kids in front of the Christmas tree is to keep you flash turned off.  Then you can use a simple photo editing tool like Picasa or Photoshop to lighten it to your liking.

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