
What is a bug out bag?

The definition you will read most is that a bug out bag is a portable emergency kit that should last you for 72-hours. They’re also known as 72-hour kits, grab bags or Go Bags.

The idea behind the bag is to be prepared in need of an evacuation or emergency.  I am not an extreme prepper but more of a practical prepper meaning I stockpile grocery items I find on sale, keep extra matches, flashlights, water, etc.

I don’t live in a large city that I would need to “bug- out” from.  I live in the country and plan to stay in place in an emergency.  Why would I need a bug-out bag then?  Let me see if I can explain.


Do you have children? Have you ever had a diaper bag? You know, the thing you put supplies in that your baby may need while you are away from home.


Or do you have a container (or not) in your vehicle with juice boxes, Kleenex, change of clothing, or snacks for your kids?  Things you kids may need while away form home?

What about  for yourself?  Do you have a purse or bag that you keep tissue, medicine, phone, comb, or money in?  Think of your purse as a small bug-out-bag.  You keep things in it that you may need while you are away from home.  shopping-1

A bag is handy (think back to your diaper bag or purse) because it is easy to grab and go.  A tub will also work.  I keep a tub in the back of my vehicle that contains items such as toilet tissue, flashlight, can food, hair dryer (doesn’t sound practical but has come in handy), maps, batteries, and fix-a-flat.  I also keep extra makeup and a small first aid kit.

I have decided to step things up a bit with a “real” bug out bag.  Here is what I now have…..


It comes with supplies which I will be adjusting as needed.  I will add a small first aid kit along with medications that I need to take on a daily basis.  I’ll also throw in some personal hygiene items.  shopping-3

There is no one-size-fits-all BOB.  You will need to decide what your personal needs are, your surroundings,  and the type of emergency you might face.

It is a good idea to have one bag for each person in the family and it is even suggested that you have one for your pets.  These bags don’t have to cost a lot of money.  Get one from your local Walmart, dollar store, or thrift shop.  It will be great to have in the event of an emergency, even if that emergency is your child vomiting all of the back seat of your car.  Those towels/tissues, medicine, shopping-4and change of clothing will come in handy.
A simple search on Google will yield a ton of websites that will give you advice on what to pack. Look over the lists and then decide what you really need.





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