If you have never had dehydrated marshmallows, you are in for a treat.

These small bites of crunchy goodness is great in hot chocolate, cereal, or by the handful.

You will need to spread the marshmallows in a single layer on you dehydrator tray.

In these photos, the marshmallows have already been dried and rolled around when I took them out of the dehydrator. Try to make sure they are not like this when you first put them in.

The amount of time needed to completely dehydrate them will depend on the humidity. I usually just put mine in overnight at 150 degrees.

Usually it takes between 8-12 hours.


If they have been in the dehydrator 8-12 hours they will be done. If you want to check before that time, pull a few marshmallows out and allow them to come to room temperature. At least 10 minutes.

They should be puffy and crunchy. If you check while they are still warm, they will be soft and sticky.

You will need them in an airtight container or bag or they will soak up the moisture in the air and rehydrate.

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