Category: Millie Fleurs
Updates from the Chicken Coop….
It was a pretty day after yesterday’s storm so I decided to get out take some pictures of my chickens. If you have read some of my past post, you know that a friend gave me 65 baby chicks this summer. They are now several months old and I can tell if most of them […]
My chickens are growing up.
My little ones are getting bigger and I can tell what most of them are now. There are a few exceptions like the Cochin below. I also have several white crested polish but the one shown below has gold on the front. White Crested Polish Black Silkie Easter Egger Penciled Cochin ? My Millie […]
My news chicks….
One of my daughters friends (and one of my “adoptive” girls), came to visit me Sunday. She had asked me if I wanted any more chickens. I told her I would love to have some silkies and if she had any. Well….she brought me 22 silkies…..along with some d’uccles, cochins, seabrights, […]
Mille Fleur d’uccle
Let me introduce you to Jack, Chrissy, and Janet. My three Millie Fleur D’uccles. I raised them from little chick and now I have three little chicks from them. They are my favorite chickens and they have the sweetest personalities.