My “Under the Tuscan Sun” Moment

Under the Tuscan Sun I have seen this movie more times than I care to admit.  It is one of my favorite movies and I live vicariously through Diane Lane every time I watch the movie.  Maybe it’s because I can relate with her movie character.  A woman who divorces her cheating husband, travels to […]

Cathedral-Basilica of Cefalù

The Cathedral-Basilica of Cefalù, is a Roman Catholic church in Cefalu, Sicily, Italy.  The Duomo dates back to the Norman era and contains some of the best preserved mosaics in all of Sicily.The building of the cathedral was begun by Roger II, the first king of Sicily, in 1131. He commissioned the artists to make the mosaics […]

Cefalu, Sicily (Small Fishing Village in North Sicily)

If I win the lottery, I have decided I want to retire in Cefalu, Sicily.  As soon as I heard of this small fishing village, I knew I wanted to see it.  It’s  a city and commune  in the Province of Palermo, located on the northern coast of  Sicily, Italy on the Tyrrhenian Sea.  It had the beautiful […]

Two things off my bucket list, travel to Italy (check), take picture of tornado (check)

Most people  hear tornado sirens and run for cover, I hear them and grab my camera as I make a mad dash for the door.  My heart starts pounding as I search the horizon for a whirling mass.  With camera in hand, I watch and wait  only to be disappointed time after time. This strange […]


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